In Russia, a large number of companies are registered participants in foreign economic activity. Everyone is faced with the need for customs clearance or customs clearance of goods, but not all of them are engaged in customs clearance on their own.

Customs clearance is a complex process that requires careful study of customs and tax laws.

The SB Cargo company, as a licensed customs broker for legal entities with many years of experience and a positive reputation, offers a full range of customs clearance services. The participation of our specialists in foreign economic activity guarantees compliance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation and minimizes the likelihood of delays and additional financial costs.

How to choose a customs broker in Moscow?

A customs broker or customs representative is a legal entity that performs, by order and on behalf of a participant in foreign economic activity, customs operations necessary for the release of goods. A legal entity can be recognized as a customs broker (representative) only after it is included in the register of customs representatives and obtain a license.

The broker's license makes it clear that he has a bank guarantee for one million euros, the liability is insured for twenty million rubles. Only in this case, you can be sure that the organization is entered in the Register of Customs Representatives.

Only organizations that meet the established requirements are entered into the Register of Customs Representatives:
  • are a legal entity, but at the same time do not belong to the Federal Customs Service;
  • have a bank guarantee in the amount of 1 million euros and liability insurance in the amount of 20 million rubles;
  • there are no unfulfilled obligations to pay customs duties and other payments, as well as open or unfulfilled proceedings under article 16.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation;
  • registered in the Personal Account of the customs representative;
  • have the necessary material and technical base;
  • there are at least two certified declarant specialists on the staff.

A customs broker in Moscow and the Moscow region, is engaged in customs clearance of goods on behalf of the client, acting as his representative and on an equal footing with him bears responsibility for inaccurate declaration, etc. The basis for cooperation is a contract concluded with the customer. The contract specifies the rights and obligations of the parties, the form and date of payment, conditions, amounts of insurance payments. After the conclusion of the contract, the representative acquires the same powers for customs clearance of the goods as the owner himself. In this case, the same responsibility is imposed on him.


When choosing a customs broker in Moscow, it is important to consider the following points:

  • The operative feedback from the company. Whether the representative answers phone calls and email requests. The use of non-existent or "someone else's" phone numbers should alert you in the first place - this is a sure sign of fraudulent manipulation. You should also pay attention to the e-mail address - a reliable customs broker has it and in 99% looks like ...@site.ru
  • The state in the organization. If the customs representative has his own logistics and legal department, then he has the opportunity to provide a full range of services for customs clearance / customs clearance and transportation of various types of goods.

The customs representative has the right to demand from the customer any documents necessary for work, check them, take part in customs inspection, and also claim damages if the customer violates the terms of the contract. If a broker violates the clauses of the contract, then sanctions are applied to him: fines, compensation for damage and more, up to exclusion from the Register of Customs Representatives and blacklisting.

Sb Cargo is a customs broker in Moscow that can take on a one-time order for customs clearance or regular customs escort of imported or exported goods for a specific legal entity. Cooperation on an ongoing basis improves the quality of services and the speed of customs clearance by developing an individual chain of actions and taking into account the specifics of a particular area.

Documents for customs clearance in Moscow

Documents for legal entities during registration:
  1. Regulation
  2. The Founding Agreement or Decision to Form a Company
  3. Certificate of state registration
  4. Certificate of registration with the tax authority
  5. Order on the appointment of the General Director

Documents for individual entrepreneurs during registration:

  1. Certificate of state registration
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax authority
  3. Passport

Documents for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during export and import:

  1. Contract and annexes to it
  2. Invoice
  3. Invoice translation
  4. Brokerage agreement and power of attorney for us

Advantages of the services of a customs representative in Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • the increased speed of customs clearance of goods, which favorably affects the preservation of the commercial qualities of perishable products;
  • problems with customs clearance are either completely eliminated or solved in a short time;
  • customs clearance is carried out within the framework of the law, taking into account the latest changes in legislation;
  • the optimized costs of customs clearance;
  • assistance in the preparation of documents and other preparatory activities.

What a customs broker offers to clients


The powers of a customs broker are determined by the Customs Code of the Eurasian Union (Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement of 11.04.2017). The range of services for legal entities includes:

  • collection, preparation, verification of documents required for customs clearance of products;
  • preparation of declarations for goods;
  • submission of documents in electronic form through a special program;
  • selection of HS codes;
  • calculation of customs payments and their payment;
  • placement of goods at the temporary storage warehouse;
  • escorting goods at customs during customs inspection, inspection, release;
  • providing legal assistance in obtaining certificates and licenses;
  • lawyer consulting.

Additionally, a customs broker in Moscow will advise the client in detail on issues related to customs legislation, settlement of disputes.

Customs broker Moscow or Moscow region - what are the differences?

When choosing a reliable customs representative, it is important to take into account that a lot depends on where exactly the activity is carried out - in Moscow or in the region.

A customs broker in the Moscow region has much more opportunity to process cargo in road transport than a customs broker in Moscow.

For example, a customs broker in Moscow has the ability to clear customs goods arriving by road at the Moscow Customs Post, if the cargo arrives exclusively at the temporary storage warehouse of the Vorsino railway. Our specialists, given that we are located in the Moscow Region, have the opportunity to carry out customs clearance at other temporary storage warehouses, since most of the temporary storage warehouses that can handle vehicle goods are located in the Moscow Region.

Customs posts and temporary storage warehouses in Moscow and the Moscow region

The list of temporary storage warehouses in the Moscow region, submits to the Moscow Regional Customs (CED):

  • Atek - Southern Moscow region, located in Stupino
  • FSUE PPP, located in Odintsovo
  • Gujon, located in the village Letniy Otdykh
  • Istra-Terminal, located in the village Pervomaisky
  • Severnaya Zvezda, located in Kolomna
  • Santens-Customs, Davydovskoe village
  • Mozhaisky, Otyakovo village

In terms of structure, customs posts are the lowest level of customs authorities, but most of the operations related to customs inspection and release of goods are carried out here. CPs are often located on the territory of temporary storage warehouses, which facilitates and speeds up the customs clearance procedure.

There are specialized CPs, which should be discussed separately. They are intended for customs clearance of goods with a special purpose. Let's name some of them related to the Moscow Regional Customs:

  • substances of radioactive, biological, chemical composition (CP Krasnozavodskaya, code 10013090);
  • customs clearance of drag. products (metals and stones) - CP (code 10009130) (Central Excise Customs code);
  • customs clearance of excisable products of goods that are subject to excise duty Krekshinsky excise customs post with the code 10009030 CEC.

Temporary storage warehouses are geographically located near logistics centers or transport hubs. The temporary storage warehouse is similar in function to a customs warehouse: these are storage areas for imported goods during the period of customs clearance. Due to the fact that freight vehicles weighing more than 12 tons cannot enter Moscow, all Moscow temporary storage warehouses, with the exception of railway and aviation ones, are located outside the Moscow Ring Road.

At the temporary storage warehouse there is a price list of services for storage of goods, and 1-2 days after the arrival of the goods, storage is usually free. Prices are different - it all depends on the type, purpose, amount of cargo. After the release of the product into circulation, the owner of the cargo takes it from the temporary storage warehouse and transports it to its own warehouse. The invoice for the provision of services is issued to the cargo owner. If the latter uses the services of a customs broker, he entrusts the payment to him. And the broker includes payment in the cost of intermediary services.

CED Mozhaisky in the Moscow region

When delivering goods by road, the owners of the goods often make customs clearance at the Center of Electronic Declaration Mozhaisky. This is due to the fact that this customs post is equipped with all the necessary technologies for customs clearance of all types of goods. Besides this, transit can be arranged at this customs post. The area where all the necessary actions are carried out is 22,290 sq. M. Since the post works around the clock, the cargo can be processed at any time, and the presence of VNIIKR laboratories at the temporary storage warehouse, which is located nearby, allows you to register perishable (phytosanitary) cargo.

Customs post address: 143204, Moscow Region, Mozhaisky District, Otyakovo village.

Customs office code: 10013150.

Phone: 8 (4957) 806-930, 8 (495) 788-80-56

Dear customers! We work only with legal entities that are recipients, senders, owners of goods, as well as ready-made commercial documentation for the goods.

Calculation of customs payments, classification of the EAEU HS code is carried out on a paid basis, as part of a personal consultation. We need to provide a foreign trade agreement with the supplier, an invoice, a packing list for a ready-to-ship consignment.

You can find out more about the features of customs clearance of various categories of goods in the "Useful information" section by using the search. You can calculate customs payments yourself using our calculator.
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