
SB Cargo has launched the procedure for joining the international air transport Association (IATA) as an agent and joined the CASS system. What does it mean? Why is this so important? And what advantages does it give? Let's getthis straight.


Getting the status of an IATA agent

IATA is an organization that plays an important role in air transportation, namely security, standardization, and training. You can become an IATA member or agent. The first can only be airlines, the second status is given to companies engaged in cargo transportation, such as SB Cargo. There are about 250 IATA members and 5,000 agents worldwide.

You can work without obtaining the status of an IATA agent, but... in order to get an IATA certificate and identification number, which is a confirmation of accreditation, the company must meet certain requirements and pass an exam for compliance. Main criteria:
  • the size of cargo turnover;
  • the number of specialists with IATA diplomas, etc.;
  • stability of the financial situation;
  • bank guarantee;
  • knowledge of the main regulatory documents;
  • sufficient technical equipment;
  • payment of contributions;
  • compliance of the office premises with security requirements. 

  Documents for accreditation:

  • application;
  • list of personnel;
  • certificates of specialists;
  • notarized copies of the Charter and registration certificates;
  • audit;
  • report;
  • balance sheet;
  • extract from the USRLE and the register of shareholders;
  • bank guarantee;
  • photos of the office inside and outside.

Employees of an accredited company must obtain a diploma from a specialized training center or from a network of authorized IATA training centers.



These criteria were established in order to maintain the necessary level of service quality, which means that the status of an IATA agent indicates the high professionalism of the company's employees.

After receiving accreditation, the company enters into a cargo contract with IATA. This allows the carrier to sell the services of any airlines that are members of IATA. The carrier has the appropriate air waybills at its disposal.

What is the IATA CASS system?

The global Cass (Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems) system was developed by IATA and implemented in Russia in 2017 in order to optimize the relationship between agents and IATA members and includes standardized export and import procedures that are already used in 97 countries around the world. In Russia, cargo transportation via CASS is carried out by Aeroflot.

The system assumes registration of cargo transportation by air without concluding additional agreements with the help of an intermediary Settlement office, which processes information flows. Joining the system means increasing the efficiency of work, thanks to the use of new technologies and developments.

The system provides the following features and benefits:

  • use templates for transmitting certain information in electronic format, which reduces the number of errors and discrepancies;
  • control of financial flows and statistics – data is easily systematized and can be provided to the system participant in the form of a report;
  • simplified payment system – a single amount for the reporting period, regardless of the number of airlines that perform cargo transportation;
  • direct billing;
  • reducing the time for making payments;
  • reduction of administrative expenses;
  • accuracy of calculations;
  • timely and complete payment for air transportation services in 99.99% of cases;
  • unified standard for claims processing;
  • unified calendar of reports and payments;
  • transparency of the registration procedure.

Mutual settlement between participants is carried out through financial institutions that act as a guarantor of the fulfillment of obligations. In Russia, this is VTB Bank.


 In the future, a widespread transition to electronic air waybills and accompanying documents in electronic format is expected. This will increase the speed of cargo handling and customs clearance of the consignment.

Previously, it was necessary to independently perform transfers for each company and keep separate reports for each airline. This significantly slowed down the work process.

How to work

Work through CASSis conducted in a certain way:

  1. The agent issues an AWB air waybill.
  2. The Cass administrator assigns an air waybill identification number.

  3. The agent or its authorized representative performs cargo handling.

  4. The cargo is insured, if necessary.

  5. The agent informs CASS that the cargo transportation operation has been completed and provides a report to the carrier through the processing center.

  6. The agent pays for the service according to the schedule via the Cass settlement Bank.

SB CARGO was one of the first companies that awarded the status of an IATA agent. Thiswill give us the opportunity to offer our customers the most favorable air transportation rates and ensure the highest level of cargo safety during transportation by plane. We are licensed brokers and in the future accredited partners of IATA, which means that working with us, you will get a high-quality service, the ability tobe promptly informed about tariffs in all areas of interest.

Dear customers! We work only with legal entities that are recipients, senders, owners of goods, as well as ready-made commercial documentation for the goods.

Calculation of customs payments, classification of the EAEU HS code is carried out on a paid basis, as part of a personal consultation. We need to provide a foreign trade agreement with the supplier, an invoice, a packing list for a ready-to-ship consignment.

You can find out more about the features of customs clearance of various categories of goods in the "Useful information" section by using the search. You can calculate customs payments yourself using our calculator.
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