Our specialists will organize delivery from abroad in the shortest possible time, carry out customs procedures, deliver the goods to the recipient, and protect your interests.

Support of import

We solve organizational problems with the supplier, prepare the goods for shipment and carry out import delivery until the goods are received by the customer. We work with the already paid delivery, we interact with the sender, for example, regarding the application of the EAEU marking on the goods, preliminary sending of samples to the Russian Federation for certification. Searching for goods, signing an agreement with a supplier, quality control of the goods is the responsibility of the importer himself, since the import is carried out on the basis of the customer's contract.
Several departments closely interact with the import support department: logistics, customs clearance, legal and others, which ensures a consistent and fast delivery process.
Our specialists will help you organize deliveries with foreign partners in the shortest possible time and deliver the goods across the border without extra costs.


We assist in obtaining the necessary permits. We organize licensing, certification and declaration of goods in accordance with TR CU and TR EAEU, TU, GOST R. We will help you to issue the Certificate of State Registration, fire certificate, certificate of origin and more.

International Cargo Transportation

We organize air, road, rail, sea transportation. We know how to properly deliver a particular product, by what route, transport, and how it is more profitable for the customer. We take into account the delivery time and the wishes of the clients. SB Cargo is an IATA agent, which allowed us to expand the geography of transportation, provide air transportation services at more favorable rates and simplify the organizational process, making it convenient and fast.

Customs clearance

We provide a full range of services for customs clearance in any customs regime. We interact with the Electronic Declaration Centers and Electronic Customs, we carry out the classification according to the EAEU Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, we calculate customs payments and taxes, fill out declarations for goods, place the goods in temporary storage warehouses, represent the interests of the customer during customs inspection, go through phytosanitary and veterinary control. We also solve legal problems. For example, we prove the value at the stage of documentary customs clearance and after the release of goods.

Why we
  1. We will prepare any necessary documents.
  2. We will advise.
  3. We act within the framework of the law.
  4. We track changes in norms and laws and know how to apply them correctly.
  5. We work promptly and take into account the wishes of the client.
  6. We act in the interests of the customer.
  7. We will arrange and transport any product or group of products.
  8. We draw up one contract for all services.
  9. The cost of services is moderate.
  10. We report on each stage.

Dear customers! We work only with legal entities that are recipients, senders, owners of goods, as well as ready-made commercial documentation for the goods.

Calculation of customs payments, classification of the EAEU HS code is carried out on a paid basis, as part of a personal consultation. We need to provide a foreign trade agreement with the supplier, an invoice, a packing list for a ready-to-ship consignment.

You can find out more about the features of customs clearance of various categories of goods in the "Useful information" section by using the search. You can calculate customs payments yourself using our calculator.